Wednesday, 29 February 2012

5th day-Furano

heading Furano now...

Chateau Furano, red wine factory.

breathtaking scenery outside Chateau Furano.

tasted some wine, this one is nice :D
this is like the best wine lol i dont think there is alot of 
alcohol in this one, thats why the oba san let me tasted it.

this one is....not so nice compared to the red one.

so i bought one home :D since its so tasty. i think its the only
 tasty wine i've ever drink.

now on my way to... TO MAKE ICE CREAM :D
ohohohohoho im going to make ice cream :D cant wait cant wait.

reached :D its white white white as paper~

 hi ~

this is very amazing and beautiful hand made its a concert.
i think they must have carved it so nicely.

so we went up the stairs and here, here is where u can
try the cheese they produce. This is not an ice cream factory
but a cheese factory. but we are going to make ice cream insteand of cheese.
those cheese i tasted was horrible. there was even a black colour one. terrifying.
my tour guide explains that the japanese was blending in japanese flavour into the cheese, 
where cheese wasnt originated from japan so it tasted a mixture of the japanese and western,
thus a strange taste is created. but this was liked by all hokkaido-ians. 

let us proceed! this is the room where we are going to make ice cream!

yeah, then we make ice cream first. we mixed some milk 
and stuff idk what is it. Its quite simple, after mixing it, we pour it into
a machine. yeah basically the machine do all the things that make 
those mixings into ice cream. 
while waiting for that, we make the crepe of the ice cream :D
the machine is the waffle machine, but the mixture will dry up within
a few seconds. mine is not too bad, at least u can see the shape lol.

its eating time! added some strawberry jam to it.

everyone enjoyed :) best experience ever

                 ^^^^ these cheese over here taste awful, seriously.

went outside, and it was snowing. heavily.
had a little fun outside.
 u had done well in your aegyo, u pass.

Thank you! thats all for now, byebye!

had lunch is Prince hotel :D the tea most!

after that, went to the back of the hotel. found this little village here.
Ningle Terrace.
this way!

 this is the entrance :D
walk down a couple of stairs, and you'll see all these cute
cottages. its like im in wonderland. these cottage sell hand-made
souvenir which is quite expensive lol.

Toileto! :D

saw this sign here...  i should be careful. but its winter now
i guess the bears are hibernating?


bought a little something in here, its a carved thingy 
from wood. Saw him carved live, in front of my eyes.

come come, we have cookies inside.

so its about evening now, we are heading to Tomamu now :)

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