Monday 31 December 2012

5th day - Cambodia

It's another day we spent in Angkor Wat.
Today will be the last day in Cambodia, going home 
next thing early in the morning...

Heading to a women's temple deep inside,
the ride was about 2 hours.

Banteay Srei

I  WAS trying to capture a bee lol.

Lots of four leaf clovers!

or maybe not, they're really rare right?
so there's a bunch here, I guess it's not?

On the way back to the mainland, stopped 
by at a village that makes these stuff.

It's palm sugar,
so heavenly sweet you might die.
made from palm tree fruit.

This is not a temple, it's king's graveyard.
Only the royalties get to sleep in here when they died. 

Pre Rup 's the name.

 The steps are really steep, you'll fall if you
take your eyes off where you're stepping.

I don't know the names of the following temples,
but here it is.


Sunday 30 December 2012

4th day - Cambodia

4th and 5th day will be spent in Angkor Wat!

actually Angkor Wat is one of them, we're visiting a place
full of Ruins like Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat is actually a temple, for praying.
I never knew, I thought it was for defense and war lol


 ^  you can see chinese words here

that means, most asians come from China.

Looooong ago, two brothers fight to be the king,
but the older brother's teacher shot the younger and he died.
So, the older brother got to be king.
the end.

well i forgot the details but that's about what happened.

now heading back, going to another temple.

Next is Ta Prohm.

This temple is famous for it's tree...roots.
uhm you'll know what i mean.

after lunch we went to Bayon.
The temple with a lot of faces.

the umbrella man.

and that's the end of 4th day, 
super tired.